Monthly Archives: August 2012

Housing Meeting

First off, just want to say how proud of myself I am for keeping this blog up…I know it will probably change whenever I actually start working, but whatever. 
So, today was the Housing Meeting. Basically it was an attempt to make telling us about the rules fun. Lasers and fog machines were included-only at Disney ❤ It lasted about 1.5 hours and now we’re free for the day. We got back to our apartment (after surviving my first time navigating public transportation without my parents) to find the bug man at our apartment. (yes, day one we had bugs–sugar ants and garden spiders :/ ) He took care of that problems (and said it will take 10-14 days to get rid of them completely…) Tonight I think the roomies and I are hitting up Downtown Disney 🙂 None of us are quite feeling the Disney magic yet since we can’t get into the parks until Saturday, but we figured DTD would be enough to get us in the Disney mood. Until next time 🙂 Image  Program guide 🙂

Check in and Casting.

Today was literally the LONGEST day of my life. I basically got 3 hours of sleep. I was up and ready for check in by 3:30 and we were in line by 4. We were only about 20-30 people behind, which we thought was a good omen. False. But anyway, we waited for 4.5 hours until they finally let us in. We did check in and got our housing assignment…Vista Way…which was our last choice. But its okay bc we got all of the roommates together and we all get along very well. Then we were immediately bused off to Casting, which lasted about 2 hours. That’s where I found out that I will be working at the Sci Fi “drive in” theatre 🙂 Which, btw I’m super excited about! After that we got all of our stuff from the hotel and started making Vista as homey as possible (a very though task considering it was built in the ’80s..) but its all coming together. I’m very sad the whole process of today lasted so long that I couldn’t say good-bye to my parents. It was so weird knowing I won’t see them for 4 months 😦 But we have a housing meeting tomorrow, Friday off, Traditions Saturday morning, then off until Training starts on Tuesday. 
So I’m sorry if this post is super random…I don’t really know how I’m functioning right now. I’ll update sometime later…after I’ve slept for a few days. 

Florida so far

Since it rains EVERY DAY in Florida, I decided to describe what all has happened so far and what’s supposed to happen tomorrow at check in.

So yesterday we arrived at the Holiday Inn where we are staying. Funny though, everyone kept saying it was across the street from Vista Way (where we’re checking in tomorrow)…but being from the small town that I am, I did not realize that across the street meant across a 6 lane highway. So we found Vista and then went to DTD for dinner. As we waited for our dinner at the bar at Rainforest Cafe, our bartender came up and asked me if “Go Dawgs” meant anything to me. As I smiled and looked up, a couple from across the bar raised their glasses. I automatically felt at home. I love that no matter how big this place is, there is still a lot of friendliness. We walked around after dinner then all came back and crashed…I guess a 9hr. car ride will do that to you.
Today we went  and wandered around DTD again and ate at Earl of Sandwich…which by the way, is awesome. Then, as if on cue, the rain came. So we just came back to the hotel to relax.
Tomorrow is the big day. My roommates and I will meet up bright an early (5am) and walk to Vista to wait in line. Once they open the line and start taking participants we will go through check -in to get our housing IDs, find out which apartment we will live, and sign a lot of paperwork. From there, we will (hopefully) get to unload our things at our new apartment. That’s where my parents and I will go our separate ways as they make their way home to see the damage from Isaac. After that my roommates and I will catch the bus, at whatever scheduled time, to casting 🙂 🙂 🙂 There, we will find out our work locations and descriptions, background checks, and training schedules (I think..) Then we have the rest of the day to move in and get situated.
Thursday all we have to do is go to a housing meeting and then Friday is Traditions, a four hour class where we get our Cast IDs, Name Tags, etc.  Then, finally we get to play in the parks! Splash Mountain is calling my name 🙂  That’s all for now, yall 🙂 

The Big Move :)

Okay, despite all of the issues in the tropics (thanks Isaac) we have officially arrived in Orlando! So excited to begin this journey and so blessed to have such great parents who did everything possible to get me here in time and safely. Tonight we explored Downtown Disney, which surprisingly I hadn’t been to before (or if I was…I was super young). We ate at the Rainforest Cafe and seriously had the greatest bartender/waitress ever. She was so happy and energetic…I hope wherever I end up working, I’m half as awesome as she was 🙂 Tomorrow the rest of my roommates get here and we’re all going to meet up for dinner. Then, Wednesday is the big day 🙂 Check -in and casting! I’ll update whenever I get settled and figured out. Have a magical day 🙂