It’s my Friday :)

Although today is Monday, a day traditionally dreaded by man and woman alike, I love today. Why you ask? Because in Disney days, today is my Friday! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, after my 6 hour shift today (So excited its not an 8 or 10) I have two days off! And to top things off, I got about 9 hours of sleep.It was desperately  needed. 
Yesterday I had my first shift as stocker/change runner by myself. Not my favorite position, but it wasn’t horrible. I got a great workout from it, but it seriously exhausted me. I worked 11-8, then got home and one of my lovely friends drove me to get food. I hadn’t really thought about it, but dinner last night was probably my first full meal in a few days. The way our schedules work here is super weird. I eat breakfast, then go to work, but my break usually falls around 3 or 4 which is too late for lunch and too early for dinner, so I just don’t eat. Then by the time I get off and get back home (the buses take forever) it’s too late for me to eat dinner. And, after being around food all day, the last thing I usually want is to eat. So, that whole situation is definitely something I’m going to have to work on and force myself to eat. 
As for the next few days, I don’t exactly know what they have in store for me. Playing in the parks is a given, and hopefully I can go observe a PT that works with the entertainment 🙂 (One of my lovely managers is working on arranging it since I don’t have access to a lot of that kind of info.) 
By the way, applications for the WDWCP for Spring 2013 came out last week, so yall should do it. It’s been one of the best experiences so far. I don’t know how to exactly describe it, but seriously awesome 🙂 
Time for work  🙂 Love and miss everyone! (And DLAM to all of my lovely Deltas) 🙂 

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