Update :)

So, basically all I have done the past few days is work, a lot. I tried out skating for the first time…it was a little rocky, but nothing too bad. However, if I fall at work on them I could get a reprimand…so I won’t be skating that much ( after all, I fall 24/7 without having 4 wheels attached to my feet). I have about 2 more days of work before I finally get some time off. I’m SO excited. The whole big kid working thing is tough.
So, I realized that there are probably some people who are reading this who are considering doing the College Program…so, I thought I would give you guys a few realities that you may not realize.
1. You are here to work, not on a 4 month paid vacation to Disney World.
2. You will work long, late shifts. You are called CP’s (aka closing persons)
3.You are here to make the magic, not experience it. However, there is a different kind of magic you receive when you make magic for the guests 🙂
4. Your job may suck, but the people you work with and meet during your time here will make your program. (btw my job does’t suck at all, I really lucked out)
5.  People say you lose the magic by working here, but realize that you will most likely only see one small part of one park. So, on your days off, go experience the rest of the parks and remember why you love Disney.

That’s all for now. I’m just spending some time with my roommates for the night 🙂 Talk to yall later!

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